学位及授予单位:哲学博士,美国Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, 决策科学与工程
2011.7-2011.8 加拿大University of British Columbia应急管理培训
2015.8—2016.8英国Durham University 访问学者
2.国家自然科学基金青年项目“整合关键基础设施系统的应急供应链管理模型及算法” 项目编号: G010301。
4.暨南大学科研培育与创新基金项目“非常规突发事件中关键基础设施系统的应急决策模型的研究” 项目编号:10JYB2033
1. Doudou Zheng, Jing Gong*. Efficiency of Medical Service Systems in the Rural Areas of Mainland China: A Comparative Study from 2013-2017. Public Health, 2019. 6.(SSCI)
2. Jing Gong*, Frankie Chau. An Optimization Model for Resilient Service System. IEEE 3rd International Conference on Information Technology and Mechatronics Engineering. 2017.10 (EI)
3. 龚晶*,数学规划与约束规划整合下的多目标分组排序问题研究运筹学学报, 2016.3,Vol(20),P61-74
4.Jing Gong*, John E. Mitchell, Ananth Krishnamurthy and William A. Wallace. OMEGA-International Journal of Management Science,2014,Vol.46, P104-116 (SCI,SSCI)
5. Jing Gong*, William A. Wallace and John Mitchell. Decision Modeling For Resilient Infrastructures. 2011 IEEE International Conference on Intelligence and Security Informatics - Cyber-Physical-Social System Security. P210-212, Beijing, July, 2011(EI)
6. Multi-objective Planning and Scheduling,IEEE 2010 3rd international conference on Mechanical and Electrical Technology,Singapore,Sep,2010, (EI ISTP )
7. Jing Gong, Earl E. Lee, John E. Mitchell* and William A. Wallace. Logic-based Multi-Objective Optimization for Restoration Planning. Computational Optimization and Logistics Challenges in the Enterprise, Springer Optimization and Its Applications (SOIA), 2009,Vol.30, P305-324
1、《非常规突发事件的应急恢复研究》. 暨南大学出版社,2012年
2、George D. Haddow:《应急管理概论》.知识产权出版社,2011年6月。