
行政管理系职 称: 教授
职 务: 大数据与社会治理研究中心副主任
研究领域: 科技政策与决策分析、公共政策、再生能源与可持续发展、区域创新、智慧城市、数字化政府、粤港澳区域协作与跨域治理
电子邮件: zhongzhaozhen@jnu.edu.cn
SCI/SSCI 期刊审查委员
Research Policy (SSCI, 一区)
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews (SCI, 一区)
Technology Analysis and Strategic Management(SSCI)
Creativity and Innovation Management (SSCI)
Health Research Policy and Systems (SSCI)
International Journal of Health Policy and Management (SSCI, 一区)
Innovation: The European Journal of Social Science Research (SSCI)
Asian Business and Management (SSCI)
Heliyon (SCI)
DRUID Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark, 2018-2023. (审查委员)
Journal of Technology Innovations in Renewable Energy (编辑委员)
国家社科基金年度一般项目“粤港澳大湾区跨区域政府数字化协同治理机制研究”(2023-2024) (批准号:22BGL267),20万元。(在研)
国家社科基金重大项目“数字时代区域科创走廊创新生态建构与治理机制研究”(2023-2026) (批准号:22&ZD114),80万元。(子项目主持,在研)
教育部人文社会科学研究一般项目规划基金项目“粤港澳大湾区能源治理的区域协同机制研究”(2022-2024) (批准号:21YJAGAT002),10万元。(在研)
“国家科学委员会”(台湾地区)新进人员研究计划“能源创新政策与产业发展:以台湾生质能源创新政策为例”(MOST 102-2410-H-006 -044) NT.565,000 (结项)
“科技部”(台湾地区)一般型研究计划“能源创新政策与产业发展:以丹麦生质能源创新政策为例”(MOST 103-2410-H-006 -108 -MY2) NT.1,416,000 (结项)
主持校级科研项目 (中央高校基本科研经费项目)
CHUNG, C.-C., LIU, L., ZHANG, Y., WANG, Y. & WEI, Z. 2022. Evolution of biogas policies in China (2001–2019): Dynamics of policy instruments towards energy transitions. Journal of Cleaner Production. Volume 379, Part 1, (SCI IF:11.07,JCR 1区)
CHUNG, C.-C., LIU, L., ZHANG, Y., WEI, Z. & WANG, Y. 2021. Comparing the evolution of biodiesel and biogas policies in China (2000-2019). Basic & Clinical Pharmacology & Toxicology.128: 68 (SCI IF:3.688,JCR 2区)
ZHANG, Y., TSAI, C.-H. & CHUNG, C.-C. 2021. The transitions of technological innovation systems in the transnational context: the example of China’s solar photovoltaic industry (1970s–2010s). Technology Analysis & Strategic Management, 33:12, 1467-1483. (SSCI IF:3.745,JCR 3区,ABS 2)
CHUNG, C.-C. & HU, H. 2020. The Innovation System of mAb Biopharmaceuticals in China: Policy Transitions and Entrepreneurship Dynamics (Pre-1990s-2010s). Basic & Clinical Pharmacology & Toxicology, 126, 6.(SCI IF:3.688,JCR 2区)
CHUNG, C.-C., ZHANG, Y., LIU, L., WANG, Y. & WEI, Z. 2020. The Evolution of Biodiesel Policies in China over the Period 2000–2019. Processes, 8, 1-21.(SCI IF:3.352,JCR 2区)
CHUNG, C.-C. 2018. Technological innovation systems in multi-level governance frameworks: The case of Taiwan’s biodiesel innovation system (1997–2016). Journal of Cleaner Production, 184, 130-142. (SCI IF:11.07,JCR 1区)
CHUNG, C.-C. & HU, H. 2018. Divergent trajectories of sectoral evolution: The case of Traditional Chinese Medicine in China (1949–2015). Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 128, 252-261. (SSCI IF:10.884,JCR 1区,ABS 3)
CHUNG, C.-C. & YANG, S.-C. 2016. The emergence and challenging growth of the bio-ethanol innovation system in Taiwan (1949-2015) International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 13, 1-15. (SSCI IF:4.614,JCR 1区)
HU, H. & CHUNG, C.-C. 2015. The innovation and modernisation of herbal piece in China: system evolution and policy transitions (1950s-–2010s). European journal of integrative medicine7, 645-649.(SCI IF:1.813,JCR 3区)
HU, H. & CHUNG, C.-C. 2015. Biopharmaceutical Innovation System in China: System Evolution and Policy Transitions (Pre-1990s-2010s). International Journal of Health Policy and Management,4(12): 823–829. (SSCI IF:4.967,JCR 1区)
CHUNG, C.-C. 2013. Government, policy-making and the development of innovation system: The cases of Taiwanese pharmaceutical biotechnology policies (2000–2008). Research Policy, 42, 1053-1071. (SSCI IF:9.473,JCR 1区,ABS 4)
CHUNG, C.-C. 2013. Biopharmaceutical Innovation System and the Influence of Policies: The Case of Taiwan (2000-2008). International Journal of Health Policy and Management 1, 135-140.(SSCI IF:4.967,JCR 1区)
CHUNG, C.-C. 2012. National, sectoral and technological innovation systems: The case of Taiwanese pharmaceutical biotechnology and agricultural biotechnology innovation systems (1945–2000). Science and public policy, 39, 271-281. (SSCI IF:2.087,JCR 3区, ABS 2)
钟兆真, 刘丽娜, 张亚鹏*, 韦姿吉 & 王艺璇 2022. 中国生物质能政策变迁研究(2000-2019年). 中国人口·资源与环境32, 77-88. (CSSCI,国家自科B类权威期刊)
钟兆真、萧全政(2007) 美国的网际霸权.台湾社会研究季刊, 68, 297-344. (TSSCI)
CHUNG, C.-C., KAIQIANG, W. & YUJIA, Z. 2023. A Comparative Study on the Renewable Energy Related Curriculums in the Universities in Guangdong- Hong Kong- Macao Greater Bay Are. Journal of Technology Innovations in Renewable Energy, 12, 1-6. (SCI预选期刊)
CHUNG, C.-C. 2022. Transitions of Biogas Policies in China (2001–2019): A Policy-Instrument-Based Analysis. Global Summit and Expo on Sustainable and Renewable Energy (GSESRE 2022) 2022. Copenhagen, Denmark: The Scientist.
CHUNG, C.-C., WEI, Z., WANG, Y., LIU, L. & ZHANG, Y. 2021. One nation, divergent dynamics of cities and the uneven processes towards sustainable transitions: The cases of bio-diesel innovation systems of Shenzhen and Shanghai in China. European Forum for Studies of Policies for Research and Innovation 2021. Oslo, Norway: EU-SPRI.
CHUNG, C.-C., WEI, Z., WANG, Y., LIU, L. & ZHANG, Y. 2021. One nation, divergent dynamics of cities and the uneven processes towards sustainable transitions: The cases of bio-diesel innovation systems of Shenzhen and Shanghai in China. ISPIM 2021. Berlin, Germany ISPIM.
CHUNG, C.-C. 2021. Free trade, protectionism, and the leadership of the United States in the information and communication technology sector. European Forum for Studies of Policies for Research and Innovation. Oslo, Norway: EU-SPRI 2021.
ZHANG, Y., TSAI, C.-H. & CHUNG, C.-C. 2019. Energy transitions in Pakistan: The case of solar photovoltaics technology (1980s-2010s). ISPIM Connects Fukuoka 2018. Fukuoka , Japan: ISPIM.
ZHANG, Y., TSAI, C.-H. & CHUNG, C.-C. 2019. The transitions of solar PV innovation system in Pakistan in the context of transnational interactions: the case of China-Pakistan Economic Corridor. International Conference on Innovation Studies (ICIS2019). Beijing: Research Center for Technological Innovation, Tsinghua University.
CHUNG, C.-C. & HU, H. 2017. Entrepreneurships, international knowledge spill over and the evolution of the innovation system: The case of pharmaceutical innovation system in China. 7-9 June, 2017. EU-SPRI Conference, 2017 Vienna, Austria.
CHUNG, C.-C. & HU, H. Divergent trajectories of sectoral evolution: The case of Traditional Chinese Medicine in China (1949-2015). 7-10 June, 2016. EU-SPRI Lund Conference, 2016 Lund University, Sweden.
CHUNG, C.-C. 2016. National technological innovation systems: Taiwan’s biodiesel innovation system (1997–2015). June 13-15, 2016. The DRUID16 20th Anniversary Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark.
CHUNG, C.-C. 2015. The emergence and troubled growth of bio-diesel innovation system in Taiwan. 10-12 June, 2015. The 2015 Annual Conference of the EU-SPRI Forum. Helsinki, Finland
CHUNG, C.-C. 2014. Governance, policy-making and the innovation of agricultural biotechnology: The case of the Taiwanese biotechnology and agricultural policies (2000-2008). 16-18 June, 2014. DRUID 2014. Copenhagen, Denmark.
CHUNG, C.-C. 2013. Governance, policy-making and the innovation of agricultural biotechnology: The case of the Taiwanese biotechnology and agricultural policies (2000-2008). The Asian Conference on Politics, Economy ad Law. Osaka, Japan.
KO, C.-E., CHEN, C.-J., DAI, Y.-F. & CHUNG, C.-C. (2011). A Comparative Study of Governance Structure for Policy Foresight. In: UNIVERSITY, Y. (ed.) Yeditepe International Research Conference on Foresight. Istanbul, Turkey: Yeditepe University.
CHUNG, C.-C. (2008) Government, governance and innovation policies in small states ~taking Ireland’s and Taiwan’s biotechnology policies for examples ~. IN PRIME_NETWORK_OF_EXCELLENCE (Ed.) EU-US Early Career Researcher Conference on Research and Innovation Studies. University of Twente, Enschede, The Netherlands.
CHUNG, C.-C. (2009) Government, Governance and Biotechnology Policies in Taiwan (2000-2008) IN PRIME_NETWORK_OF_EXCELLENCE (Ed.) Challenges in Research and Innovation Policy Studies. The University of Manchester, Manchester, UK
CHUNG, C.-C. (2009) Policy-making processes and policy-mixed effects of Taiwan’s biotechnology policies (2000-2008). IN LUND_UNIVERSITY (Ed.) “FOCUS ASIA: Contemporary Issues in Taiwanese Innovation and Industrial. Lund University, Sweden.
钟兆真 (2007) (独著)透视IT巨塔: 信息、权力与美国霸权,台北市, 黎明文化.
潘晔华, 刘继瀛 & 陈世香等(2022)(合著)陆上风电、光伏发电项目开发建设法律手续管理原理与实务, 武汉市, 武汉大学出版社.
刘继瀛, 宋冬冬 & 何芳艳等 (2022) (编委) 新能源项目用地法律制度理论与实务, 武汉市, 武汉大学出版社.
陈世香, 刘继瀛 & 潘晔华等 (2022) (编委)海上风力发电项目开发建设法律手续管理原理与实务, 武汉市, 武汉大学出版社.
钟兆真、孟凡坤、刘亚南 (2023) (合著) 主要经济体数字科技战略与治理体系研究,北京市, 社会科学文献出版社.
湖北省“楚天学者计划”楚天学子(省部级人才称号) (2020-2024)
“教育部”(台湾地区) 迈向顶尖大学计划”迈向顶尖大学计划研究奖励” (2016)