
应急管理系职 称: 副教授
职 务: 应急管理系副主任
研究领域: 城市更新、公共政策、城市应急管理
电子邮件: dhyuan@jnu.edu.cn
袁定欢,博士毕业于香港城市大学公共政策学系,暨南大学公共管理学院/应急管理学院副教授,应急管理系副主任,获批双百英才暨南杰青第一层次计划,主要从事城市更新、城市应急管理、公共政策研究。担任Cities、Habitat international等SSCI/SCI收录的国际期刊审稿人;共发表20余篇期刊论文,以第二作者出版著作1本;以第一作者出版3篇英文书章节。主持国家级项目1项,省部级项目2项,校级教改项目2项,中央高校基本科研业务费项目3项。
2022.10-至今,暨南大学 公共管理学院/应急管理学院,副教授
担任Journal of Urban Planning and Development、Journal of Urban Affairs等SSCI/SCI收录的国际期刊审稿人
2023.5-2025.04,广州全方位加快城中村改造和治理对策研究:以全面改造项目为例,广州市社科规划羊城青年学人(No. 2023GZQN18),3万,在研。
2019.12-2022.07,城中村改造制度与交易成本研究,广东省哲学社会科学规划项目(No. GD19YGL16),5万,结题等级为“优秀”。
[1] Fu, Y., Liu, L., & Yuan, D*. (2024). What Leads to Effective Emergency Management? A Configurational Analysis of Empirical Cases of Local Chinese Governments. Land, 13(4), 469. [A2类, SSCI二区]
[2] 袁定欢,罗钧悦,郭君,陈安滢,林文亿. (2024). 脆弱性与自然灾害灾情分析——以2011—2020年广东省为例.灾害学[CSCD]
[3] Yuan, D., Fu, Y., Zhou, W., Zhang, M. (2024). Targeting Performance of Dibao Program in China: An Empirical Study Based on the 2020 China Family Panel Studies. Chinese Public Administration Review
[4] Yuan, D., Yau, Yung., & Bao, H. (2024). Urban village redevelopment in China: Conflict formation and management from a neo-institutional economics perspective. Cities, 145, 104710. [A1类, SSCI一区]
[5] Yuan, D., Yu, H., Lin, W. * & Zha, L. (2023). Determinants of Residential Satisfaction During the Initial Stage of the COVID-19 Pandemic: The Case of Xiangyang City, China. International Journal of Public Health, 68, 1606016. [A1类, SSCI一区]
[6] Lin, W., Yin, W., & Yuan, D*. (2023). Association of home and community-based services and cognitive function of Chinese older adults: social participation as a mediator. BMC Geriatrics, 23, 691. [A1类, SSCI一区]
[7] Lin, W., & Yuan, D*. (2023). Factors associated with formal help-seeking for domestic violence in urban China. International Journal of Law, Policy and The Family, 37(1), ebad012.[A2类, SSCI三区]
[8] Yuan,D., Yau, Y., Lin, W.* & Cheng, J. (2022). An Analysis of Transaction Costs Involved in Urban Village Redevelopment Process in China. Buildings, 12, 692 [A2类, SCI三区]
[9] Lin, W., Yin, W., & Yuan, D*. (2022). Factors associated with the utilization of community-based health services among older adults in China—an empirical study based on Anderson’s health behavior model. BMC Primary Care, 23, 99. [A2类, SSCI/SCI]
[10] Yuan, D., Yau, Y., Hou, H. C.*, & Liu, Y. (2021). Factors Influencing the Project Duration of Urban Village Redevelopment in Contemporary China. Land, 10(7), 707. [A2类, SSCI 二区]
[11] 袁定欢,黄小琦,鲍海君,林文亿* (2021).深圳市城中村改造政策主题及演变过程分析——基于2009-2019年政策文本分析.城市规划, 45(02):92-98[A3类, CSSCI]
[12] Yuan, D., Yau, Y., Bao, H.* and Lin, W. (2020). A Framework for Understanding Institutional Arrangements of Urban Village Redevelopment Projects in China. Land Use Policy, 99, 104998. [A1类, SSCI 一区]
[13] Yuan, D., Bao, H., Yau, Y.*, Skitmore, M. (2020). Case-based Analysis of the Drivers and Challenges for Implementing Government Led Urban Village Redevelopment Projects in China: Evidence from Zhejiang Province. Journal of Urban Planning and Development. 146(3), 05020014. [A2类, SSCI/SCI三区]
[14] Yuan, D., Yau, Y., Bao, H., Liu, Y., & Liu, T. (2019). Anatomizing the institutional arrangements of urban village redevelopment: Case studies in Guangzhou, China. Sustainability, 11(12), 3376. [A2类, SSCI/SCI二区]
[15] Liu, T., Yau, Y.*, & Yuan, D. (2018). Efficacy beliefs, sense of unfairness, and participation in LULU activism. Cities, 83, 24-33. [A1类, SSCI 一区]
[16] Yuan, D., Zhang, X., Bao, H., & Fu, Y. (2017). The self-employment of the industry choices of dispossessed farmers in China. Journal of Rural Studies, 55,143-156. [A1类, SSCI一区]
[17] Bao, H., Cen, Y., Peng, Y., & Yuan, D. (2016). Entrepreneurship and Intervention Strategies of Land-Lost Farmers in Urbanization Process of Zhejiang Province. Public Personnel Management, 45(1), pp 37-57. [A2类, SSCI三区]
[18] 鲍海君,袁定欢,庄红梅(2014).土地督察与开发商囤地:策略抉择的演化博弈[J].中国土地科学,02:29-36+67. [CSSCI]
在国际会议Pacific Rim Real Estate Society Conference(地点:悉尼)荣获“Best Paper Award(最佳论文奖)”(2017)
1. 鲍海君,袁定欢,韩璐等 (2016).失地农民创业行为特征与创业培训对策.杭州: 浙江大学出版社
2. Dinghuan Yuan, Yung Yau* and Haijun Bao (2019). “Institutional Innovation for Urban Village Renewal in Mainland China”. In Qaiser Rafique Yasser (Eds.), Rural Sociology and Community Mobilization for Sustainable Growth (pp. 56-74). IGI Global eEditorial Discovery®
3. Dinghuan Yuan*, Yung Yau and Ruoshi Li (2017). “Urban village renewal in China: From state-led to self-organized land readjustment”. In M. Wolfe (Eds.), Urban Planning and Renewal (pp. 209-231). Tricia Worthington: NOVA Science Publishers.
4. Dinghuan Yuan*, Yung Yau and Ruoshi Li (2017). “Land readjustment as a solution to the dilemma of urban village redevelopment in China: A case study of Yiwu”. Proceedings of the 12th China Urban Housing Conference (pp. 209-231). China Architecture and Building Press.